Sunday, August 3, 2014

10 Things We Want in Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Guardians of the Galaxy is officially a hit for Marvel. It had the 3rd highest opening weekend of any movie to come out this year. Marvel knew it was going to be success based off early reactions and wasted no time announcing a sequel at Comic-Con

James Gunn will once again be the master mind for the sequel and revealed via Facebook that he has already started brainstorming on what will happen when Guardians of the Galaxy 2 hits theaters July 28, 2016. Since Gunn has started getting a rough idea on what to put into the movie, I thought I would help him help.

Here are 10 things I want to see in Guardians of the Galaxy 2-

***** Potential SPOILERS for Guardians of the Galaxy to follow *****

1) Introduction to Nova

Richard Rider is one of the characters many fans want included in the Marvel universe. In the comics he joins the Nova Corps after being selected by Rhomann Dey, who is dying. Rhomann Dey was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy and played by John C. Reilly. He has a past with Thanos and Star-Lord, going so far as dying alongside Star-Lord to defeat Thanos. He is more of an Avengers member than he is one of the Guardians of the Galaxy but his origin could easily be introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy 2

2) Introduction to Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock is one of the most powerful members of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the comics. He was born from a cocoon, much like the one seen in The Collector's possession. Whether he still has it is in question after his collection is now in shambles. If Warlock is on the loose, he could be a big factor in the sequel. He was in possession of the Soul Stone for quite some time in the comics and the Soul Stone is one of the 3 not yet introduced to Marvel's cinematic universe.

3) Bigger Role for Thanos

Thanos is without a doubt coming and so far we have only got a glimpse of who Thanos is. We have heard his voice and have seen his full body look now. Giving him more screen time before he most likely becomes the main villain in Avengers 3 would be very smart. Thanos is one of the most powerful beings in the entire galaxy. Seeing what he can do now without any Infinity Stones would be a good way to show fans how powerful he will become once he has all 6.

4) Deeper Backstories for the Guardians

While Guardians of the Galaxy was fantastic, it still feels like we do not know a lot about these characters pasts. For instance, Rocket Raccoon is obviously still scarred by all the enhancements and surgeries he went through. Getting to see a glimpse of what has happened to him and how he and Groot became partners would be neat. Also getting to see what Drax was like before Ronan killed his family would be a new dynamic. 

5) Who is Star-Lord's Father

One thing was made clear at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy. Whoever is the father of Star-Lord is not normal. Ronan and the Nova Corps were astounded when he was able to absorb the Power Stone. Only the strongest and powerful beings in the galaxy can control the power the Infinity Stones contain. Star-Lord is half human and the other half comes from his father who is from an ancient species. His father sent Yondu to retrieve Star-Lord for him but Yondu had different plans. Star-Lord's father is obviously very powerful and wants him back. Finding out who he is could answer some questions. Just a thought of mine as a fan, what if Marvel decides to make Star-Lord the son of..... THANOS! Thanos has regularly had kids with many different species and races, so adding Star-Lord to the mix would be crazy confusing and awesome. Especially when they inevitably meet. 

6) Gamora and Nebula Rivalry

It was obvious during their moments of interaction and confrontation that Gamora and Nebula have an intense rivalry. I mean growing up as the daughters of Thanos could not have been easy. Getting a look at what it was like for them growing up would add depth to their characters respectively and give more screen time to Thanos.

7) Another Prominent Female Character

It is obvious that Marvel movies are stuffed with male characters. Even the ones I want to be introduced the most are male but that does not matter. Marvel has two main female characters, Black Widow and Gamora. They are introducing Scarlet Witch in Avengers: Age of Ultron next spring and then Hope Pym, who may become Wasp, in Ant-Man in 2015. Adding another female character to the Marvel universe and more importantly the Guardians team should be a focus. Ms Marvel, Mantis, Moondragon, Nicholette Gold, or Aleta Ogord could all be possibilities.

8) Killer Soundtrack

Normally I am not one to go crazy for the music in a film and most of the time I hardly notice it honestly, but Guardians of the Galaxy was different. The planning and song choices James Gunn put into the soundtrack fit the movie perfectly. I really want another great soundtrack for the sequel. I already bought Awesome Mix Vol. 1 on iTunes and I want Awesome Mix Vol. 2 to be just as good if not better.

9) Cosmo the Space Dog

We got a glimpse at Cosmo when The Collector's collection was destroyed. From what we saw, he wasn't the talking dog with telekinetic powers that we know from the comics. He is currently in Knowhere where he was the head of security in the comics. He is also a regular member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and would be another unique addition to the team.

10) Cameo by an Avenger

This one seems far fetched but remains a possibility, especially depending on how things play out in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The most commonly linked Avenger is Hulk but adding another prominent CGI character doesn't seem likely. If not Hulk, then Iron Man with a space suit or Thor could have a shot at crossing paths with the Guardians. It doesn't have to be a long appearance by one of the members. Just some sort of interaction between them would be cool.

Share your thoughts on my ideas and share your own in the comments below!
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